Writing with a φ
These face marks all use a φ for a hand holding some kind of writing implement like a pen or pencil. It looks like the round part of this character is their hand while the straight line is the writing tool. This is definitely one of my favourite. It is like the pencil has gotten really, really short and they are trying to use it for their writing until the very end.
_φ( °-°)/ | φ(..) | φ( ̄¬ ̄ヾ) |
_φ(°-°=) | φ( ̄ー ̄ )ノ | φ(●゚益゚)っ |
φ(..;) | φ(°ρ°*)メ | φ(´ω`●) |
φ(^∇^ ) | φ(^ω^*)ノ | φ(゚ ω゚//)♡ |
φ(◎◎ヘ) | …φ(o´ω゚o)φ… | _φ(●゚益゚)っ |
_φ( ̄ー ̄ ) | σ(ൈ)φ | φ(´д`o) |
_φ(□□ヘ) | (๑╹o╹)φ | ≡≡≡≡φ(^∇^*) |
(‘•̀ ▽ •́ )φ | φ|o-Дゞo| | φ(・c_,・。) |
φ(・ω・` ) | ((φ(..。) | φ(゚ェ゚♡) |
φ(._.) | “φʕ•ᴥ•oʔ | …..φ(・∀・*) |
_φ[・ω・`*] | φ(-`Д´-*) | …..φ(〃∇〃 ) |
…..φ(-ω-。`) | …..φ(〃∇〃 ))) | φ(´ω`= ) |
φ( =´∀`)ノ | ..φ(ー ̄*) | _φ(* ̄0 ̄)ノ |
…φ(ω ̄*) | _φ(* ̄ω ̄)ノ |
[\/]…..φ(・д・。) |
Writing with a ψ
These text faces on the other hand use a ψ character for a hand holding their writing implement. If you put the eyes close to the ground with characters such as a period (.) or a low circle (。) then it looks like the emoticon is very absorbed in their writing. Their face is basically on the page. Sometimes underscores are used to show the paper that they are writing on.
ψ(。。) | ___ψ(‥ ) | _ψ(°-°=) |
ψ(°ρ°*)メ | “ψʕ•ᴥ•oʔ | ψ(´ω`●) |
ψ(-`Д´-*) | ..ψ(ー ̄*) | ψ(・∀・@) |
ψ(・⺫・‶) | ….ψ(・ω・。) | _ψ(-c_,-。) |