Ꮚ Ꮚ Style Sheep
These sheep kaomojis use Ꮚ on either side for nice fluffy looking wool. These type of sheep emoticons look a bit more masculin to me as the fluffly wool could also look like ram horns. Anyway, this list of sheep includes so many different types of expressions that you are bound to find one you like. The sheep are happy, sad, surprised, and so on.
Ꮚˊ•⌔•ˋᏊ | Ꮚᵒ̴̶̷ꈊ˂̤Ꮚ | ᏊºัꈊºัᏊ |
Ꮚ˘̴͈́ꈊ˘̴͈̀Ꮚ⋆✩ | Ꮚᵒ̴̶̷ꈊᵒ̴̶̷Ꮚ | Ꮚ¯ꈊ¯Ꮚ |
ᏊˊꍓˋᏊ | Ꮚ꒵͒ꈊ꒵͒Ꮚ | Ꮚ˃̶͈ꈊ˂̶͈Ꮚ |
Ꮚ˘ꈊ˘Ꮚ | Ꮚ˘̩̩̩ꈊ˘̩̩̩Ꮚ | ᏊʻัꈊʻัᏊ |
Ꮚ•ꈊ•Ꮚ | Ꮚ°ꈊ°;Ꮚ | Ꮚ☻̴̶̷̤ꈊ☻̴̶̷̤Ꮚ |
Ꮚ˘ꍓ˘Ꮚ | ᏊꈍꈊꈍᏊ | ᏊᵋꈊᵋᏊ |
Ꮚ❛ꈊ❛Ꮚ | Ꮚ⌀֊̫⍉Ꮚ | Ꮚᵔꈊ’Ꮚෆ |
Ꮚ•̀ꈊ•́Ꮚ | Ꮚ^ꈊ^Ꮚ | Ꮚ˟ꈊ˟Ꮚ |
Ꮚʻั֊̫ʻัᏊ | Ꮚ˘̩̩̩ꍓ˘̩̩̩Ꮚ | Ꮚ˃̶͈ ֊̫ ˂̶͈Ꮚ |
Ꮚ⁼ꈊ⁼Ꮚ | ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ | Ꮚ❛⃘ੌꈊ❛⃘ੌᏊ♡ |
Ꮚ`ꈊ´Ꮚ | ෆᏊᵔ֊̫ᵔᏊෆ | Ꮚ˙ꈊ˙Ꮚ |
Ꮚˊ̥̥̥ꈊˋ̥̥ूᏊ | Ꮚ°͈ꈊ°͈Ꮚ | ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ |
Ꮚ’ꈊ’Ꮚ | Ꮚ˃̶͈ꍓ˂̶͈Ꮚ | Ꮚ`ꈊ´Ꮚ |
Ꮚ⁰ꈊ⁰Ꮚ | Ꮚ ்́ꈊ ்̀Ꮚ | Ꮚ˃ꈊºัᏊ |
Ꮚᵕ̤ꈊᵕ̤Ꮚ | ᏊᵕꈊᵕᏊ | Ꮚ*ꈊ*Ꮚ |
Ꮚ⌀ꈊ⍉Ꮚ |
{@ @} Style Sheep
These donger sheep use fancy brackets and @ symbols on both sides to try to look fluffy. These emoticons look a little bit more feminine to me. You can add virtually any expression to these sheep, just like the ones before. This means that no matter what you are feeling, you can use these sheep to convey whatever message you wish to express.
{ @θ ㅈ θ@ } | { @ᵒ̴̶̷ꈊ˂̤@ } | { @ºัꈊºั@ } |
{ @˘̴͈́ꈊ˘̴͈̀@ }⋆✩ | { @ᵒ̴̶̷ꈊᵒ̴̶̷@ } | { @¯ꈊ¯@ } |
{ @ˊꍓˋ@ } | { @꒵͒ꈊ꒵͒@ } | { @˃̶͈ꈊ˂̶͈@ } |
{ @˘ꈊ˘@ } | { @˘̩̩̩ꈊ˘̩̩̩@ } | { @ʻัꈊʻั@ } |
{ @•ꈊ•@ } | { @°ꈊ°;@ } | { @☻̴̶̷̤ꈊ☻̴̶̷̤@ } |
{ @˘ꍓ˘@ } | { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ } | { @ᵋꈊᵋ@ } |
{ @❛ꈊ❛@ } | { @⌀֊̫⍉@ } | { @ᵔꈊ’@ }ෆ |
{ @•̀ꈊ•́@ } | { @^ꈊ^@ } | { @˟ꈊ˟@ } |
{ @ʻั֊̫ʻั@ } | { @˘̩̩̩ꍓ˘̩̩̩@ } | { @˃̶͈ ֊̫ ˂̶͈@ } |
{ @⁼ꈊ⁼@ } | { @ˊꈊˋ@ } | { @❛⃘ੌꈊ❛⃘ੌ@ }♡ |
{ @`ꈊ´@ } | ෆ{ @ᵔ֊̫ᵔ@ }ෆ | { @˙ꈊ˙@ } |
{ @ˊ̥̥̥ꈊˋ̥̥ू@ } | { @°͈ꈊ°͈@ } | { @ˊꈊˋ@ } |
{ @’ꈊ’@ } | { @˃̶͈ꍓ˂̶͈@ } | { @`ꈊ´@ } |
{ @⁰ꈊ⁰@ } | { @ ்́ꈊ ்̀@ } | { @˃ꈊºั@ } |
{ @ᵕ̤ꈊᵕ̤@ } | { @ᵕꈊᵕ@ } | { @*ꈊ*@ } |
{ @⌀ꈊ⍉@ } |