I think the Android app is fixed! Edit: nope, it’s not… (.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)
So a lot of people were reporting that the Android app was crashing right when you open it.I just spend the last couple of hours with a developer and we think we’ve identified some kind of database error that was causing the crash. Hopefully it’s now fixed.The new version 1.1 of the app has been submitted to Google Play and should be available in a couple of hours. If you’ve already downloaded the app you should get some sort of notification saying there’s a free update. I’m not 100% sure how it works in Android.Please update to version 1.1 and then leave a comment if it’s working now.If you left a negative review because it crashed and it’s now working please do me a huge favour and remove the negative review and put a 5-star one instead.Positive reviews are incredibly important to helping the app get found in the app store especially since there are so many copycat apps that have stolen content and graphics from this site.If you update to version 1.1 and you’re still having problems. Please do not post a negative review. Leave a comment here or email me at (removed) and let me know what the error is, what kind of phone you’re using and what version of Android you’re using.I’ll set up another meeting with this developer and we’ll try to get any other issues fixed then.Thank you very much if you downloaded the app and thank you even more if you left a positive review. Please let me know if the app’s working now or if we’re still having problems.One more thing, if you haven’t downloaded the app yet don’t download version 1. Just wait a couple of hours and download version 1.1.
You need to make the a android app free
The app cost me a huge amount of money to make and it still doesn’t seem to be working which will cost me even more money to fix. Unfortunately because of all the money I’ve invested into it I can’t make it free.
I totally understand why you cant make it free. The price you are asking is so small, that it shouldnt be a problem really….
I think it is really well laid out and appears it will be simple to use. I like that it has favourites and that you can make your own within the app and in theory save them too. The only problem is if you upgrade phones ect, there needs to be a way to back up out settings, either that they can be exported or via a login on the app that saves the minimal data on a database online and then you get the same settings again next time you log in on a new device (or if we have multiple devices eg a tablet and a phone).
Thanks for your work and effort, i know it is a pain, and the negative reviews you are getting at the start really dont help. I’ll wait until it is working and leave a positive one. I’ll also recommend the app to friends. Maybe have a free version with lots of ads or maybe minimal functions, and then people pay the dollar or so to remove the ads, and you get money back towards the app by having the ads?
There’s a free version of the iOS version that has 10 emoticons from each category available and ads. I hope to do the same with the Android version, it’s a nice way to test out the app and see if you like it. I need to save up some money though before I can afford to make it.
Thanks for your really nice comments. I’m about to submit the new update to Google Play so *fingers crossed*.
Tried it, and still crashed the same on my galaxy noteII… sorry mate. still hoping and i’ll keep waiting patiently.
Are you using version 1.2 of the app?
Definitely the most recent, i keep checking and waiting for a new update.
What is the latest update?
It still crashed in my case. I’m using Galaxy Note II with stock rom 4.3. As far as I can read the report generated by Android, it is still a problem in create the database in javascript.
Hope this fixed soon.
Thanks for the update I’m going to have to back and look at this with a developer again I guess.
As like before it is still the same problem. Crashes when launching app. I’m using a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Android version KitKat 4.4.2. Please fix again. Wanna use so badly. :(
Thanks for the update. I will get the app fixed at some point, don’t worry.
I’m still experiencing crashes (Samsung Galaxy S5, version 4.4.2) with this second update
Thanks for the report.
Do you get the reports if we send the crash reports via the app from our phones?
That includes all the system information about our phone models and android OS.
Or do you need us to message you information here?
There’s some kind of report the developer showed me that I didn’t know about so yeah, it looks like I do get some information from the crash reports. I think we’re fixed now though, *fingers crossed* and stay tuned.
I sent the new crash report again for this latest version that still didnt work for me. All the best. Hoping it works soon.
Any new update on the situation?
It’s fixed!
Still doesnt seem to work for me, crashes upon opening…. Galaxy noteII on android 4.3 – kernel version 3.0.31-2138564
Please uninstall the app and then re-install it. This has fixed the problem for a lot of people. The latest version of the app is 1.2. Thanks.
My mistake, all working now!
I had to totally uninstall the app, then reinstall it. IT didnt work when i had just upgraded it to the most recent version.
seems solved.
If i add to my favourites, and i want to delete one or two, if i click the delete button, will it delete all my favourites, or let me select one or many to delete? I dont want to lose my favs, i went through the ALL list and ticked all the ones i liked and now want to cull it down and remove ones that are too similar or i dont like as much as i thought i did.
I’m glad to hear it works now! If you click the delete button on the favourites menu it won’t delete everything. It’ll give you the option to check off which ones you want to delete and then only delete what you check off.