Blank Look
Here are some dongers for those times that you’re confused and you just have a blank look on your face. You cannot offer an emotional response because you don’t even know how you can possibly respond to something so confusing. Pick between eyes like ◎,☉,● , and more. Blank looking mouths are usually very simple lines. You can also forgo a mouth altogether.<(•ิ_•ิ)? | (?・・)σ | (´・_・`) |
(‘◇’)? | (゜-゜) | ( ・◇・)? |
(゜。゜) | (◎_◎;) | (◎-◎;) |
(●__●) | (☉_☉) | (゚ー゚;) |
【・_・?】 | 【・ヘ・?】 | c( O.O )ɔ |
ఠ_ఠ | (๑ ́ᄇ`๑) | ੨੨(´・・`) |
(꒪ȏ꒪)エッ? | (メ・ん・)? | (o*。_。)o |
ॽ̥(૦்૦)ˀ̣ | ɾ◉⊆◉ɹ | (・・?) |
(o゜ー゜o)?? | (゚ペ)? | (・∩・)? |
??r(・x・。)??? | : ◉ ∧ ◉ : ╏ | σ(゜◆゜;) |
(;゜◆゜)σ | ( ゜Д゜;)!? | (。・ω・。)? |
(`◎△◎)!? | (゚▽゚`*)? | (*`〇Д〇)? |
(*OчO*) | (*・∧・*)? | (*。0 – 0。*)? |
(●´・×・`●)? | ?(ο´・д・)?? | (⊙_⊙’) |
Raised Arms
These are Japanese emoticons that have raised their arms in the air to indicate their confusion. Since they don’t know what is going on, the only reasonable thing left to do is raise their arms. Or is it a shrug? I’m confused.. I’m going to just let it happen…
٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ | (」・ω・)」 | (」゜ロ゜)」 |
(」゚ペ)」 | (」゚ロ゚)」 | (❀」╹□╹)」*・ |
(」๏้♓๏้)」 | ι(´Д`ι) | ( 」。╹o╹。)」 |
ƪ(•̃͡•̃͡ ƪ | (」。≧□≦)」 | (」゚Д゚)」 |
(」°ロ°)」 | ʅฺ(・ω・。)ʃฺ?? | (。「´-ω・)ン? |
(*「・ω・)ン? |