General Confusion
Behold these other facemarks that were left over because they did not fit into the other sections. They are really just more general confusion. Nonetheless, there is still a large variety of confused faces. Who knew there could be so many confused emotes?(。ヘ°) | (´`;) ? | ( ?´_ゝ`) |
ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ” | ヽ(゜Q。)ノ? | ?(*´・д・)ノ |
(,,゚Д゚)∩ | ((´‐公‐`)) | <|^□^#|/ |
( ̄■ ̄;)!? | (>囗<?) | ( ⌡ ຶम⌡ ຶ ) |
(๑ಕ̴ _̆ ಕ̴) ン? | (゚Д゚?) | ?(°Д°≡°Д°)? |
(♠_♦) | (C_C) | ( ⧉ ⦣ ⧉ ) |
¿(❦﹏❦)? | (;´@へ@`) |
These kaomojis are more complicated than the other ones in this category. As a result, they might not display correctly in every browser. I’ve found that it’s best to view these ones using Safari. It is also important for the person on the receiving end to use Safair in order to see them displayed properly. Hopefully you can get them to work because the complex emoticons are always impressive.
( ؕؔʘ̥̥̥̥ ه ؔؕʘ̥̥̥̥ )? | ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ | `(๑ △ ๑)`* |
٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶ | ˞͛꒰๑ऀ •̆ꈊ͒ू•̆๑ऀ꒱⁇ | ( ؔ⚈͟ ◡ ؔ⚈͟ ๑)…ン? |
»ू(͒ˑ•᷄͡ꇵ͒•᷅͒)ू?! | (૦ୂ૦ॢ)ɂ̥Ɂ̥ | (⸝⸝⸝՞̐ˀ̝՞̐ू)˖̛̠͉ |
⅀(╹╹͞ू)՞✰⁎ | (•ॢ՞˝̼̮՞)•••Ɂ̥ | (◕ฺ ▿ฺ ◕ฺ)?? |