Attempt #3 with the Android app!
So I’ve just submitted the third version of the Android app to Google Play. The developer completely re-wrote the database and says he’s sure it’s fixed this time so hopefully now it works.It kind of sucks not having an Android phone because I can’t really test it.Version 1.2 of the app should be live in a couple of hours so download the update and let me know if it’s working now. Hopefully it is!
It still crashes when trying to open it. I am using ZTE Force on android 4.0.4
Are you using version 1.2 of the app? A couple of people have told me that version is working now.
I read the comment these guys posted and after uninstalling and re-installing it works! Thanks for fixing the application! My life all the better Pete!
Works over here! Thanks for getting it working.
I’m so glad to hear that, thanks for letting me know.
It’s still not working for me. After updating still the same thing. Crashes. Please tell me what’s wrong. :(
Can you uninstall and then re-install the app? If it’s still not working after that can you click the report button after it crashes?
Omg. It’s working already! Thank you so much! (*≧▽≦)
Reinstall and it worked.
Thanks for hardwork :)
I’m glad to hear it’s working now, thanks for the update!
Ah…my phone SH007J incompatible with this app :(((((
Is that an older phone? I’ll see if there’s any way to fix that in the next update.
All seems to be working and well!