These are the kaomojis that are related to food. Sorting these out into one section for food and one for drink is pretty much the only way to go here. They are eating kabobs, soup, birthday cakes.. you name it! There is even some cool looking text that says “I love chocolate!” I figured a lot of people could relate to that one!
( ˘▽˘)っ♨ | ◥█̆̈◤࿉∥ | ♨(⋆‿⋆)♨ |
ꊞ̩⁌•͡˻•⁍ᵒᵈᵃⁿᵍᵒ ⁿᵉ | ℓ ❤ ϚϦοςӧԼձϮϵ❣⃛ | ( ̄w ̄)Ψ |
くコ:彡。≠( ̄~ ̄ ) | (●´з―━━━ε`●) | (▼д▼)o-{{[〃]}} |
( ・・)つ―{}@{}@{}- | ( ・・)つ-●●● | ―●○◎- |
( ・・)つ―●○◎- | ( ´∀`)つ―●○◎- | ♪o<( ´∀`)っ┌iii┐ |
(*・∀・)_Ω~ | (*゚Д゚)つ-Oロ|>- | ヽ|。´ェ`|ノ ―■●▲ |
( ・ω・)⊃-[二二] | -●●●-c(ω`c ) | ―⊂ZZZ⊃ |
─━━━━ | ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ⊃―{}@{}@{}- |
( ・ω・)⊃-[二> >二]-⊂(´∀` ) |
>゚)##)彡c(。・ェ・。)っ━<コ:彡━ |
These are the emojis now that are related to drinks. Most of them are holding cups or serving a cup on a platter to someone. This is perfect if you want to offer someone a drink or if you work as a waitress or waiter! I don’t see a single upset emoticon, though maybe one or two that look tired. Tea is perfect for a sleepy, nightime treat.
( -_-)旦~ | (*^◇^)_旦 | (#´ー´)旦 |
(^-^)_日 | ~(=^‥^)_旦~ | ~~旦_(・o・;) |
( ゜Д゜)⊃旦 | ( ´・ω・`)_且~ | ( ^-^)_旦”” |
(; `ェ´ ;)b三b | (。・・)_且 | (*`▽´)_旦~~ |
~旦_(^O^ ) | o口(・∀・ ) | 且_(・_・ ) |
且_(゚◇゚;)ノ゙ | ⅽ[ː̠̈ː̠̈ː̠̈] ͌ | ~(*  ̄)-3旦ε-( ̄ *) |
((。・”・)o自☆自o(・”・。)) | ー(  ̄▽)_皿~~ | ( ^-)_旦~~ (゚o゚;) |
( ゚Д゚)⊃旦 | ((((´∀`)_旦~ | (*´ェ`*)っ旦~ |
~~旦 ゝ(´-ω-` ) | ~~旦_(-ω-`。) | ~~旦⊂(・∀・ ) |
(○^ω^)_旦~~♪ | !!”(*>∀<)o(酒)” | ~~■P o(´・∀・` ) |
~~匸Pヽ(・ω・`) | (*´・ω)o旦~┏┓ | (*´-ω)o旦~┏┓ |
( ’ω’)旦~~┏━┓ | ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)つY |
!( ・∀)つ且~~⊂(´∀` ) |
(●´▽`●)_旦”☆”旦_(○´ー`○) |
゚+。:.(*・ω・)o旦 旦o(・ω・*).:。+゚ |
!(#゚Д゚)ゞ‥・・━━━━━━旦~☆))`ω゚)・;’. |
(´・ω)ノ[|_| |_|]ヽ(ω・`) |

High Five
These text faces are giving each other a high five. The character 人 or something like 八 make great hands hitting each other’s hands together. This is great for any celebration and any time you want to say “congratulations!” Wowee, these emotes are lucky to have such great friends. Some of them look really awkward because of their neutral expressions, as if they are not totally sure if they should be high fiving or not.
( 。・_・。)人(。・_・。 ) | ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v |
(・_・”)/\(・_・”) | (*´∀`*人*´∀`*) |
(*^ω^)人(^ω^*) | (°◇°人°◇°) |
(=´∀`)人(´∀‘=) | (○`ε´○)/\(○`ε´○) |
ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ ) | ( 。・_・。)人(。・_・。 ) |
( ^^)人(^^ ) | (・_・”)/\(・_・”) |
(((@°▽°@)八(@°▽°@))) | (((*°▽°*)八(*°▽°*)))♪ |
(*・∀・)/\(・∀・*) | (^▽^)/\(^▽^) |
(*^o^)人(^o^*) | (◎`・ω・´)人(´・ω・`*) |
/(v x v。)人(。v x v)\ | \(★´−`)人(´▽`★)/ |
☆-(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ | ♡(*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)♡ |
♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪ | ヽ( ^^)人(^^ )ノ |
ヽ(^ω^)人(^▽、^)ノ | ヽ(*^ー^)人(^ー^*)ノ |
ヽ(∀゜ )人( ゜∀)ノ | ♪(((#^-^)八(^_^*)))♪ |
(๑ ⁍̥̥̥᷅ ᴈ⁍̥̥̥᷅)人(⁌̥̥̥᷄ε ⁌̥̥̥᷄ ๑)ー | (。• ̀д•́) 人 (•̀ω•́ )バ |
ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ | ♪~(◔◡◔ิ)人(╹◡╹๑)~♪ |
ヾ(●・v・人・v・○)ノ | (▼▽▼)人(▼▽▼) |
ヾ(●゚v゚)人(゚v゚○)ノ | (v´∀`)ハ(´∀`v) |
(*●ω●)人(●ω●*) | (●゜□゜)人(゜□゜○) |
(=゜ω゜)人(゜ω゜=) | ヽ(○`・ェ・)人(・ェ・´●)ノ |
|*゜ロ゜|人|゜ロ゜*| | ♪(o=゜▽゜)人(゜▽゜=o)♪ |
(v〃∇〃)ハ(〃∇〃v) | ヾ(★´Д)人(Д`☆)ノ゛ |
(♯ゝωσ♯)人(+>∀<+)ノ | (*´ω`人´∀`*) |
(*・▽・)/\(・▽・*) | ┌|*゜ロ゜|人|゜ロ゜*|┐ |
ヽ(●´∀`)人(´∀`●)ノ | \(#´▽`)人(´▽`#)ノ |
\(*`∀´)人(`∀´*)/ | (*´∀`)人(´∀`*) |
(ノ^ω^)ハ(^ω^ )ノ | (●ゝω)ノヽ(∀<●) |
!!(v゚ー゚)ハ(゚▽゚v) |
。*:★(´・ω・人・ω・`)。:゜★。 |
ヽ( ☸ ω ☸)人( ☸ ▽、 ☸ )ノ |
♪♪♪ U・ェ・U人(^・x・^=) ♪♪♪ |
(○・▽・○)人(●・▽・●)ノ |
Holding Hands
These friendly dongers are holding hands with their friends, family, or their lovers. It can also look like they have crossed their arms together, just as a couple would do while going on a date or walking down the street. Human connection is so important and these emoticons are showing how fulfilling friendship can be. These are also great emotes to use if you are cheering someone up.
└(^o^ )X( ^o^)┘ | \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ |
ヾ( ̄ー ̄)X(^∇^)ゞ | ‹(⁽˙́ʷ˙̀⁾ )∨( ⁽˙́ʷ˙̀⁾)› |
(ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ) | (*◑∇◑)☞☜(◐∇◐*) |
ヽ(゚▽゚*)乂(*゚▽゚)ノ | ☆(*^o^)乂(^-^*)☆ |
☆^v(*^∇’)乂(‘∇^*)v^☆ | (ノ*´・、>・)乂(・ι_・`*)ノ |
━(p´・∀・)乂(・∀・`q)━ | (ノ ̄∇ ̄)乂( ̄ー ̄ )ノ |
♪(・∀・*)乂(*・∀・)ノ |
Close Together
These kaomojis are pretty friendly and getting pretty close to each other. Are they going in fo a kiss? Going in for a hug? Staring deeply and intimately into one another’s eyes? Hmm…
(*´・ω・)(・ω・`*) | (Ɔ˘⌣˘)(˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ C) |
\( ^o)( ^ 0 ^ )(o^ )/ | (/^-^(^ ^*)/ |
━(○´エ`)(´エ`●)━ | (;•͈́༚•͈̀)(•͈́༚•͈̀;)՞༘՞༘՞ |
o(゚益゚o)(o゚益゚)o | (٭′ᵕુ‵)ુ(ૂ′ᵕ‵ॢං) |
(*´゚д)(д゚`*) | ⁽ ̇⌞.₎₍.⌟̇⁾ |
(•′௰′)(‵௰‵•) | (´・ω・`)(´-ω-`) |
(๑꒪▿꒪)*。_。) | ٩( ´◡` )( ´◡` )۶ |
(๑´・‿・)(・‿・`●) | (⁎⁽⁰‸⁽⁰)(⁰⁾ˬ⁰⁾⁎) |
◟₍⁎꜇̈₎‸₍꜁̈⁎₎◞ | (⋆ु⁰ ̥̮⁽⁰)(⁰⁾ ̥̮⁰⋆ू) |
(❈ಥДಥ)(ಥДಥ❋) | ―(´¬O¬)(¬O¬`)― |
(ؔؓؒؑؐ⁍◡ؔؓؒؑؐ⁍)(ؔؓؒؑؐ⁌◡ؔؓؒؑؐ⁌) | (*´ω´(*`ω`) |
⑅❛⌔❛(❛ั▿ ❛ั ⋈ |
Cheering Up
These emojis are perfect for those times you need to pat someone on the head and cheer them up. It always helps to have a friend near by to offer support during times of need. Be that awesome friend who always shows up to cheer up a sad soul! Sometimes all it takes is being next to someone when they are feeling down. Send them one of these emoticons to show your support.
(o・_・)ノ”(ᴗ_ ᴗ。) | (⁎·́௰·̀)◞ ͂͂(˒̩̩̥́௰˓̩̩̥̀⁎) |
( ‘́⌣’̀)/(˘̩̩ε˘̩ƪ) | (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ”(^ー^*) |
(*^ー^)ヾ( ̄▽ ̄*) | (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ”(^∇^*) |
(*^∇^)ヾ( ̄▽ ̄*) | (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ”(- -*) |
(*- -)ヾ( ̄▽ ̄*) | (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ”(゚∇゚*) |
(*゚∇゚)ヾ( ̄▽ ̄*) | (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ”(゚ー゚*) |
(*゚ー゚)ヾ( ̄▽ ̄*) | (*’-’)ノ”(^o^*) |
(*^o^)ヾ(‘-’*) | (*´・ω・)ノ(-ω-`*) |
(*~ρ~)ノ(ToTw) | (^x^;ヾ(^^ ) |
(*-ω-)ヾ(・ω・*) | ( i_i)\(^_^ ) |
…ρ(..、)ヾ(^ー^;) | …ρ(。。、)ヾ(^-^;) |
…ρ(。。、)ヾ(^-^;) | (o・_・)ノ”(ノ_<。) |
(o・_・)ノ”(ノ_<。) | (○゚ω゚)(○。_。)ペ |
( ゚ω゚)/ (ノω`)ヽ(゚ω゚ ) | (´._.`)\(‘́⌣’̀ ) |
(๑*◡*๑)٩(❛ัᴗ❛ั⁎)ೄ |
(  ̄▽ ̄)ノ”o(*・・*)oヾ( ̄▽ ̄ ) |
Lots of Friends
Here we have 3 or more friend emotes all together. This could be at a party or maybe several friends simply chatting in a group. They usually all shame the same expression, which can end up looking hilarious, but remember that you can mix and match to create a more elaborate scene! These emoticons are great for siblings and family members, too.
(^○^)オ(^▽^)ハ(^0^)ツ~ |
(〃 ̄д ̄)八(  ̄д ̄ )八( ̄д ̄〃) |
(〃⌒▽⌒)八(〃⌒▽⌒〃)八(⌒▽⌒〃) |
(^^)-(^^)-(^^)-(^^)-(^^) |
ヽ(´Д`)人(´Д`)人(´Д`)ノ |
ヽ(´Д`)人(´Д`)人(´Д`)ノ〜♪ |
ヽ(^▽^)人(^▽^)人(^▽^)ノ |
ヽ(○´∀)乂(*´∀`*)乂(∀`●) |
(*σᴗσ)(ㅎᴗㅎ ) |‸눈;) |
̑⁽ᵕ̈⁾ ̆ ̀⁽ᵕ̈⁾ ́˂⁽ᵕ̈⁾˃˓⁽ᵕ̈⁾˒ ͑⁽ᵕ̈⁾ ͗ ̀⁽ᵕ̈⁾ ͛ ͗ ͗ᵞᵃᵞ |
(•̴̑.̶̥•̴̑ (•̥̑.̮•̥̑) •̴̑.̶̥•̴̑) |
╮(•́ω•̀)╭╮(•́ω•̀)╭╮(•́ω•̀)╭ |
( ・◡͐・)’◡͐’)`◡͐´)°◡͐°)^◡͐^)´◡͐`) |
(‘౪’(`౪´(^౪^(´・౪・`)´౪`)°౪°)-౪-) |
(*T_T)人(T^T)人(T_T*) |
ꉂ (ˊଠୃˋꉧˊଠୄˋꉧˊଠୁˋ)ꋧ |
ヽ(*゚∀゚)ノ||ヽ(・∀・)ノ||ヽ(゚∀゚*)ノ |
ヾ|* ̄ー ̄|* ̄ー ̄|/” ヾ|* ̄∇ ̄*| |
(・ω(・∀(・д・)3・)Λ・) |
-(ノ。・ω・)八(。・ω・。)八(・ω・。)ノ- |
( ( ̄ (ー ̄( ー ̄( ̄ー ̄( ̄ー ̄)) |
ヽ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)ノ |
♪♪(((≧▽≦)八(≧▽≦)八(≧▽≦)))♪♪ |
((( ̄( ̄( ̄( ̄ー ̄) ̄) ̄) ̄))) |
((≧(≧∇(≧∇≦(≧∇≦)≧∇≦)∇≦)≦))) |
((((・ิ(・ิω(・ิω・ิ)ω・ิ)・ิ)))) |
\(•̀.̫•)-(•̀.̫•)-(•̀.̫•)/ |
\(⑅•̀.̫•)-(⑅•̀.̫•)-(⑅•̀.̫•)/ |
(・ω・`(・ω・`(・ω・`) |
(∞’v`)◎’v゚)(∞’v`)◎’v゚) |
ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ) |
(ノ>ω<)八(●´ω`)八(′ω`○) |
꒰·͡ुˑ·ཻू꒱*̫ෆ๋*̫꒰•ི̫͡ુ•ྀૂ꒱*̫ෆ๋*̫꒰•̻̀ु•́ू໊꒱*̫ෆ๋*̫꒰•̹͡ु-ོू꒱*̫ෆ๋*̫꒰•̹͡ິु•ິू꒱ |
( ̄(仝) ̄)人( ̄(仝) ̄)人( ̄(仝) ̄) |
(´ゝω・(´ゝω・(´ゝω・`)´ゝω・)´ゝω・) |
ヽ(゚∇゚(゚∇゚(゚∇゚o(゚∇゚)o゚∇゚)゚∇゚)゚∇゚)ノ |
o┤*´Д`*├oo┤*´Д`*├oo┤*´Д`*├oo┤*´Д`*├o |
( ´∀`)・ω・) ゜Д゜)・∀・) ̄ー ̄)´_ゝ`) |
((( ̄( ̄ー( ̄ー( ̄ー ̄)ー ̄)ー ̄) ̄))) |
(( ̄ー+( ̄ー+( ̄ー+( ̄ー+( ̄ー+ ̄)ー+ ̄)ー+ ̄)ー+ ̄)ー+ ̄) |
( ̄ー ̄)ー ̄)ー ̄)ー ̄)ー ̄)ー ̄)ー ̄) |
(´・(´・(´・(´・(´・(´・д・`) ・`)・`)・`)・`)・`) |
\(⌒∇⌒(⌒∇⌒(⌒∇⌒)⌒∇⌒)⌒∇⌒)/ |
ψ`ー´)ノψ`ー´)ノψ`ー´)ノψ`ー´)ノψ`ー´)ノψ`ー´) |
(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。 ) |
˹⁽ˆ˹⁽ˆ⁰˹⁽ˆ⁰ˆ˹⁽ˆ⁰ˆ˺ ⁾˺ʾʾʾʾ |
⁽˙³˙⁾◟( ˘•ω•˘ )◞⁽˙³˙⁾ |
(ꈍεꈍ (ꈍ□ꈍ (ꈍㅿꈍ (ꈍ罒ꈍ﹡) |
(꒪ꇴ꒪ (꒪ꇴ꒪ (꒪ꇴ꒪ ;) |
⁽⁽◝( ꒪͒∀꒪͒ )◜⁾⁾≡₍₍◞( ꒪͒∀꒪͒ )◟₎₎⁽⁽◝( ꒪͒∀꒪͒ )◜⁾⁾≡₍₍◞( ꒪͒∀꒪͒ )◟₎₎ |
┗(⌒)(╬◓ω◔╬)(⌒)┛ |
These facemarks all have words with them to help communicate their friendship. Communication is key in any relationship, and here we see some emotes giving thanks to one another and wishing one another good night. Replace these words with any other expression. Head over to the word emoticon category to see what other options you have!
(人-ω-)。o.゚。*・★Good Night★・*。゚o。(-ω-人) |
(人*´∪`)♪тнайк чоц♪(´∪`*人) |
(人❛ᴗ❛)♪тнайк чоц♪(❛ᴗ❛*人) |
These are the more complex friend emojis that might not display correctly on every device or browser. If you are finding yself having problems, then remember that the best chances of having these emotes show up properly is to use Safari. Whoever is receiving these emoticons from you will likely need to use Safari, too, in order to see them display correctly.
˓˓(ृ ु ॑꒳’)ु(ृ’꒳ ॑ ृ )ु˒˒˒ | ♬♩˂₍͔⁽ˆ⁰ˆ⁾₎͔˃ ͟͟͞͞≣͟ ͟͟͞͞˂₍͕⁽ˆ⁰ˆ⁾₎͕˃♪♫ |
(ृ ु ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )ु❀(ृˊ͈ ꒳ृ ˋ͈ )ु | (*´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥﹏°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ )人(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) |
*✲゚*。✧٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶*✲゚*。✧ |
These are other friendly kaomojis that didn’t fit into any of the above categories. Skim through the bunch and you will find they are all totally unique and friendly emoticons. Sometimes they are holding hands and other times they are dancing together. Friendship can even be shown between a human and an animal.
✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧ | ⁽⁽◝(๑꒪່౪̮꒪່๑)◜⁾⁾≡₍₍◞(๑꒪່౪̮꒪່๑)◟₎₎ |
\(◑д◐)>∠(◑д◐) | ┌(。°з ┐ )┘三└( ┌ ε°。)┐┘ |
°˖✧⁽⁽◝(⁰▿⁰)◜◝(⁰▿⁰)◟₎₎✧˖° | \(●⁰౪⁰●\)(//●⁰౪⁰●)// |
♫͙◟̊₍ꃓ₎◞◟₍ꃔ₎◞̊♫͙ | \(ϋ)/\(ϋ)/♩ |
(✜ฺ’д’)从(‘д’✜ฺ) | ✧(๑✪д✪)۶ㅂ٩(✪д✪๑)✧ |
◟(˓⸂⠊̮)◜◟(⠑̮⸃⸒)◜ | (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) |
(っ´ω`)っ☂⊂(´ω`⊂ ) | ☆-(ノ●´∀)八(∀`●)ノ |
ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノヽ(*゚∀゚)ノ | ヽ(・_・ ) (・_・)/ |
(( *~∇~)从(^-^*)) | (*´ 艸`)(´艸 `*) |
(*、。艸。)(゚艸゚`*) | ( ◜◡‾)(‾◡◝ ) |
(・_・)〆\(T_T) |
٩(⑅´◡` )۶٩( ´◡`⑅)۶ᵋᵎᵌ⁎४*✧ |
ヾ⊂((〃´⊥`〃))⊃ノヾ⊂((〃´⊥`〃))⊃ノ |
($*’v゚)ノ【☆.。.:*.゚ ゚.*:.。.☆】ヽ(´v`*◇) |
(三・o・)三☆三(`ε´三) |
∕∕ ∕ ∕∕˛₍˴◅ˋ)੭✧८(ˋ▻˴₎₇∖∖ ∖ ∖∖ |

Drops of Sweat
These kaomoji emoticons are giving up on something with a drop of sweat on their foreheads. This is just like an anime character who has a drop of sweat slide down their face. These emoticons either feel disappointed, tired of trying, or embarrassed. In all cases, they are accepting their defeat and they are giving up on something. The perfect drop of sweat is made with ; and it is possible for you to add more than one.
(;-_-)/ | (一。一;;) | ( ̄□ ̄;) |
(; ̄д ̄) | (◎ー◎;) | (ー△ー;) |
/(;-_-) | ヾ(-_-;) | o(-_-;*) |
y-(~。~;) | 彡(-_-;)彡 | o(- -;*)ゞ |
(/ _ ; ) | (/ _ ; ) | (;*´Д`)ノ |
(;-_-)ノ |
└(―_―;)_―;)―;);))┐ |
Waving a Flag to Surrender
Sometimes the wisest course of action is to surrender, which is exactly what these emojis are doing. They are waving the classic white flag to signal their surrender. 尸 is used for the white flag, which can be held by an emoticon. Any facial expression may be used to show how the emote feels about their own defeat.
(oT-T)尸 | ( ̄^ ̄)尸 | ლ(ӨᆸӨ)۳ |
˄̞⁽⁽⚑(꒪ͦᴗ̵̍꒪ͦ=͟͟͞͞ ꒪ͦ ˈ̫̮ ꒪ͦ)⚑⁾⁾˄̩̞ | (o尸’▽’)o尸 | (○p>ω<)尸” |
!(*´∀`*)尸” | (oT-T)尸~~ | o-[・o・]-o尸 |
Arms Up in a Minimal Effort Giving Up Sort of Way
These text faces have their arms up as if to say, “enough of this” but they are only half heartedly raising them up because I guess they don’t care enough. It is almost as if they feel fed up with the situation and they can’t be bothered putting in any more effort or attention. If you want to express to someone that they can have their way even if you’re not particularly happy about it, then use one of these text faces.
(o_ _)o | (ノ_ _)ノ | (ノ#-_-)ノ |
(ノ´ー`)ノ | (ノ ̄д ̄)ノ | t(-_-t) |
ヘ(_ _ヘ) | ヘ(;´Д`ヘ) | ヘ(´o`)ヘ |
ヘ( ̄  ̄;ヘ) | ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ) | t(-.-t) |
Y(-.-Y) | ヘ(-.-ヘ;)… | ੧(⸍⸓⸌੧) |
{ノ。⊍_⊍。}ノ | |┘–|┘~ | 」(。。)L |
Arms Up with More Enthusiasm
These dongers are giving up with more enthusiasm by throwing up their arms to show they’ve had enough. They are definitely giving up with more energy than the previous text faces, but they are still brought to the same fate: surrender. Use \ and / as arms thrown up in enthusiasm. ƪ with ʃ or ٩ with ۶ are other options as well.
\( `.∀´)/ | \(-___________-;)/ | \(--)/ |
ヽ(`◇´)/ | ƪ(‾_‾)ʃ | \(-ㅂ-)/ |
٩(-̃_̮̮̃-̃)۶ |
Arms Down
These emotes, on the other hand, have their arms down to signal their defeat. It looks like they are hanging their heads, too, as if shrinking in size. Whatever cause they were fighting for, they are drained from the effort and have given up. Their sad mouths make it look like they are definitely not happy about it, either.
┌(-.-)┐ | ╭✬⌢✬╮ | ……┌┤´д`├┐ |
Miscellaneous forms of Defeat
These are the rest of the giving up facemarks that didn’t quite fit into any of the other categories. Some of them are crying about giving up while others are humble or tired. When the emoticons raise one arm in defeat, it looks like they are voluntarily surrendering. When they have no arms, it appears that the emotes are simply facing their fate and giving up as if it weren’t their choice. And hey, sometimes it’s not.
o(╥﹏╥)o | ~(>_<。)\ | (-_\) |
(。-ω-)ノ | \(-o- ) | (~~~) |
(@_@) | ((-_-)) | ( -。-) |

Famous Happy Emoticons
Below are some of the more famous and classic happy looking Japanese emoticons. These are emotes that are easily recognizable by most people and now you can use them for yourself! They are often used on websites like Reddit and 4chan. Try personalizing these famous happy emotes with different arms, objects, or words!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ | (゚⊿゚) |
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ | _へ__(‾◡◝ )> | ( ᐛ )و |
( ◞・౪・) |
Triangle Mouths
These happy kaomoji emoticons have triangles for mouths. These triangles gives these happy emotes giant smiles, as if they couldn’t get their mouths to open any wider! These are emoticons lost to absolute joy and bliss folks, and its all thanks to that wonderful triangle mouth. There is no beating it. There is a huge selection of possibility here, so I can guarantee you will find the perfect one for your self expression.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ | (*^▽^*) | (´∇ノ`*)ノ |
(ノ^∇^) | ⊂((・▽・))⊃ | ( ^∇^) |
( ゚▽゚)/ | (‐^▽^‐) | (“⌒∇⌒”) |
(*´▽`*) | (*^▽^)/ | (*^▽^*) |
(*~▽~) | (*≧▽≦) | (*⌒∇⌒*) |
(*⌒▽⌒*)θ~♪ | (/^▽^)/ | (^∇^) |
(^▽^) | ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ | ( ̄▽+ ̄*) |
(゜▽゜;) | (=´∇`=) | (=⌒▽⌒=) |
(≡^∇^≡) | (≧∇≦)/ | (⌒▽⌒) |
(⌒▽⌒)☆ | (⌒▽⌒ゞ | (●⌒∇⌒●) |
(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚* | (ノ*゜▽゜*) | °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° |
~ヾ(^∇^) | ∩(︶▽︶)∩ | ≧(´▽`)≦ |
ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ | ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ | ヾ(^∇^) |
d=(´▽`)=b | o(〃^▽^〃)o | o(^▽^)o |
O(≧∇≦)O | o(≧∇≦o) | (๑꒪▿꒪)* |
(⁎⚈᷀᷁▿⚈᷀᷁⁎) | (≧∇≦*) | (=^▽^=) |
o(*^▽^*)o | ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨ | ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ |
☜(˚▽˚)☞ | ɾ⚈▿⚈ɹ | ヘ(= ̄∇ ̄)ノ |
φ(*⌒▽⌒)ノ | (*・▽・*) | (☆▽☆) |
≡(*′▽`)っ | 」( ̄▽ ̄」) | (〃⌒∇⌒) |
〔´∇`〕 | (゜▼゜*) | ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७ |
Upside Down A Mouths
These dongers all use an upside down A character (∀) for their mouths. These are some of the most classic and original Japanese emoticons. It looks best if this mouth is paired with some eyes that sit up high, such as with ‘. The smiles are wide and their mouths are open in delight, but these happy dongers are a little more toned down than the triangle mouths found in the section above.(。´∀`)ノ | ( ´∀`) | (・∀・) |
(´∀`) | (°∀°)b | (●´∀`●) |
(✌゚∀゚)☞ | *(*´∀`*)☆ | ( ´ ∀ ` ) |
ヽ(・∀・)ノ | (。≖ˇ∀ˇ≖。) | ((o(´∀`)o)) |
o(´∀`*) | (゚∀゚ ) | (*≧∀≦*) |
(*゚∀゚*) | ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ | (o^∀^o) |
ヾ(^ิ∀^ิ) | o(`・∀・´)○ | (ᗒᗊᗕ) |
(ノ・∀・)ノ | o((◕ฺ∀ ◕✿ฺ))o | ~̎̎٩(⌒͡∀⌒͡⌯̊)̥̊◦ |
(´・∀・`) | ∩(´∀`∩) | (ノ `・∀・)ノ゙ |
( ゚∀ ゚) | Ψ(゚∀゚ )Ψ | Ψ( ゚∀゚)Ψ |
Ψ(゚∀゚)Ψ | d┃・∀・┃b | (*´・∀・) |
(・∀・○) | 【°∀°】 | (★ ̄∀ ̄★) |
(m*´∀`)m | =͟͟͞͞( ✌°∀° )☛ | ∩(´∀`∩) |
∩( ´∀` )∩ | (∩´∀`)∩ |
Squiggly Mouths
These emojis all have squiggly, happy looking mouths. This is done by using characters such as ̫ or ~. These are sort of silly smiles, with a casual and friendly appeal to them. These Japanese emoticons are happy yet calm.
⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃ | (*′☉.̫☉) | ((ඏ.̫ඏ*)) |
⁽͑˙ˆ˙̫ˆ˙⁾̉ | (๑★ .̫ ★๑) | ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) |
(^~^) | (⌯⚈ै〰̇⚈ै) | ( ‾ʖ̫‾) |
(̂ ˃̥̥̥ ˑ̫ ˂̥̥̥ )̂ | ⁽ˇ́˙̫ˇ̀˵⁾ | ( ᵕ̤ ‧̫̮ ᵕ̤ ) |
⁽͑΅ ˙̫ ῭⁾̉ | (⋆ʾ ˙̫̮ ʿ⋆) | ੭व(๑• .̫ •๑) ✧ |
(*′☉.̫☉) | ⁽͑˙՞˙̫՞˙⁾̉ | (´•.̫ • ⋈) |
( ❝̆ ·̫̮ ❝̆ )✧ | ((⚆·̫⚆‧̣̥̇ )) | (⚭⃚⃙̛·̫⚭⃚⃙̛) |
(*ꅔ ˙̫̮ ꅔ*) | ₍꒵꒱ꂶ ˙̫ ꂶ꒰꒵₎⌕ | (Θ̎Ͻ̫̥Θ̎) |
⚈้̤͡ ˌ̫̮ ⚈้̤͡ | ᗧʻ̑ ˙̫ ʻ̑ᗤ | ( •́ .̫ •̀ ) |
V Mouths
These Japanese emoticons simply use the English letter v for a mouth, which can either be upper or lower case. You can decide which case to use as it really just depends on how big you prefer the smile to be. No matter what eyes you use for these emoticons, the v mouth keeps them looking pleased. Go ahead and experiment with different possibilities!(*´・v・) | (*^v^*) | (^v^) |
(▰˘v˘▰) | (n˘v˘•)¬ | (´。・v・。`) |
♡✧( ु•⌄• ) | ( •⌄• ू )✧ | (⌯⌅⌄⌅) |
῍̩̞(∗ɞ⌄ɞ∗)◞ | (′ʘ⌄ʘ‵) |
Simple Flat Mouths
These are some simple Japanese emoticons with flat, happy mouths. These flat mouths are made using either _, -, ー, or ▂ . Everything else about the emoticon is flexible, including it’s eyes, whether or not it has arms, words, or other fancy decorations like stars (☆). This style of emoticon is classic as well as easy to make.
( ^_^)/ | (^ _ ^)/ | (^_^) |
(^-^*)/ | ( ̄ー ̄) | (∩_∩) |
(∩▂∩) | (☆^ー^☆) | (v^_^)v |
p(*^-^*)q |
Squiggly W Mouth Emoticons
These kaomoji emoticons use that cute squiggly w character (ω) to make happy looking mouths. These adorable emotes pull on heartstrings with a smile like that and everybody falls in love with them! How could you say no to a cute, happy smile like that?! This mouth is great for dog emoticons, cat emoticons, or just your regular emote. Really, by adding the squiggly W mouth to any emoticon, they automatically become 10 times cuter. No exceptions.(^・ω・^ ) | (=^-ω-^=) | (=^・ω・^)y= |
( ノ^ω^)ノ゚ | (_´ω`) | (。・ω・。) |
(︶ω︶) | (`・ω・´)” | (´ω`★) |
(^ω^) | (◐ω◑ ) | ∩( ・ω・)∩ |
ヾ(。・ω・。) | ୧( ॑ധ ॑)୨ | d(=^・ω・^=)b |
o(U・ω・)⊃ | V(=^・ω・^=)v | 川´・ω・`川 |
(*´꒳`*) | (*^ω^*) | (❁´ω`❁) |
(´-ω-`) | ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ | (´へωへ`*) |
( ^ω^) | ( ^ω^) | (✌’ω’)✌ |
✌(‘ω’)✌ | ✌(‘ω’✌) | ٩(ↁωↁ❀) |
˚✧₊⁎( ˘ω˘ )⁎⁺˳✧༚ | (◜௰◝) | ✾(〜 ☌ω☌)〜✾ |
(´∩ω∩`) |
Standard Smily Mouth Emoticons
These text faces just use your standard smily mouth shape, which is the shape that is a curve, kind of like half a circle. There are a few different possibilities for this standard smiley mouth, including ‿ ,‿ , ں, ᵕ, ╰╯, or even ⌒ for those emoticons that are playfully upside-down. Who knew there were so many possibilities? I guess there can never be too many ways to show you are happy!
(¬‿¬) | ( ⋂‿⋂’) | (-‿◦☀) |
(*‿*✿) | (•‿•) | (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ |
(─‿─) | (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ | (◑‿◐) |
(✿´‿`) | (❀◦‿◦) | (❁´‿`❁)*✲゚* |
(ᅌᴗᅌ* ) | (•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ | ♫꒰・‿・๑꒱ |
o (^‿^✿) | (◑‿◐✿) | (◡‿◡✿) |
(✿◠‿◠) | (◕‿◕✿) | (๑>ᴗ<๑) |
(๑✧◡✧๑) | (๑>◡<๑) | ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ |
(。◝‿◜。) | (๑^ں^๑) | ( ்ͦˏ౦͜ˎ ்ͦ) |
(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞ | (•⚗৺⚗•) | (ට˓˳̮ට๑) |
(๑•͈ᴗ•͈) | ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡ | (੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭̸*✧⁺˚ |
꒰⁎ᵉ̷͈ ॣ꒵ ॢᵉ̷͈⁎꒱໊ | (⑅˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ ) | :: ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ :: |
三⊂( っ⌒◡| | (ؑᵒᵕؑ̇ᵒ)◞✧ | ꒰•́ॢ৺•̀ॢ๑͒꒱ |
(。≍ฺ‿ฺ≍ฺ) | (⚈᷁‿᷇⚈᷁) | (๑◕ฺ‿ฺ◕ฺ๑) |
⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑) | (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) | (*˙︶˙*)☆*° |
(୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧ | ( ¨̮ ) | (*◕ᴗ◕*) |
(*´╰╯`๓)♬ | (∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗) | ⊂(◉‿◉)つ |
(人 •͈ᴗ•͈✿ฺ) | ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ ) | (≖ ‿ ≖) |
(๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑) | (⑅‾̥̥̥̥̥̑⌣‾̥̥̥̥̥̑⑅) | (>̯-̮<̯) |
(⁎⚈᷀᷁ᴗ⚈᷀᷁⁎) | (⁰ੌ⌣⁰ੌ๑) | |
(⚈᷀᷁ᴗ⚈᷀᷁⁎) | ✌(-‿-)✌ | (⋓ื◡⋓ื) |
(。≖ิ‿≖ิ) | (๑→‿ฺ←๑) | ˆ̭̭͙(๑ ົ̅ ͔৹͜ ົ̅๑) |
(∗ᵕ̴᷄◡ᵕ̴᷅∗)՞ | ( •॒◞ ͜◟•॒ ) | (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) |
(๑’◡͐’๑) | (⌒⃝৺⌒⃝) | {´◕ ◡ ◕`} |
(ට ̥̆ ට) | ⁽͑˙˚̀ᵕ˚́˙⁾̉ | (*☌ᴗ☌)。*゚ |
( ´◡‿ゝ◡`) | ( ◠ ◡ ◠ ) | ల(*´= ◡ =`*) |
₊⚛⁺(ؔ꒨◡ؔ꒨)ᵌ | ( ்ͧˏ౦͜ˎ ்ͧ) | ꒰⁎❛⃘ੌ ᵕ ❛⃘ੌ⁎꒱ |
( ́⋅⃘ˬ̇⋅⃘ ̀ˋ) | (. ົ̅ ੭͜ ົ̅.) | ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎) |
( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎) | (๑`・ᴗ・´๑) | ❀.(*´◡`*)❀. |
◟(๑•͈ᴗ•͈)◞ | ₍ఠ ͜ఠ₎ | (•‾̑⌣‾̑•) |
(∗ᒩ͜∗) | ( ்ૂ౧͜ ்) | (⋈・◡・)✰ |
(⁝̥ꑦᴗꑦ) | (︶.̮︶✽) | (❍❛‿❛❍❋) |
₍•͈ᴗ•͈₎ | (ͼ ̥̆ ͽ) | (≖ᴗ≖๑) |
( °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥◡͐°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) | ( ´͈ ◡ `͈ ) | ( ๑॔•◡ુ•๑॓) |
(๑・`◡´・๑) | ,、’`(((;ŏᴗŏ))),、’`’`,、 | |
ෆ⃛(ට◡ට⁎)ფ | ੬ჴ❛‿❛ჴჱ̒̒ | ৵( °͜ °৵) |
(✿◕ ‿◕ฺ)ノ))。₀: *゜ | ☆(❁‿❁)☆ | ◃┆◉◡◉┆▷ |
q(❂‿❂)p | ☆(◒‿◒)☆ | ⊂◉‿◉つ |
(。✿‿✿。) | ໒( ﹒ ͜ر ﹒ )७ | ( ‾̮‿͂‾̮ ꐦ) |
(˘・ᴗ・˘) | (ό‿ὸ)ノ | ヾ|๑ ╹ ◡ ╹ ๑|ノ |
(((;◔ᴗ◔;))) | ໒( ” ¤ ‿ ¤ ” )७ | ✩*॰ ( ¨̮ ) ॰*✩ |
(✧≖‿ゝ≖) | ☝( ◠‿◠ )☝ | (*´◡`*) |
(๑◔‿◔๑) | (◕‿‿◕。) | (✿╹◡╹) |
(◕ฺ ◡ฺ ◕ฺ) | (✿ฺ◡ฺ‿ฺ◡ฺ) | (◞‿◟) |
(o˘◡˘o) | ꉂꉂ ( ˆᴗˆ ) | ₊·(ϱ॔⌄ᵕ๑॓)‧* |
-(๑☆‿ ☆#)ᕗ | ╭ (oㅇ‿ o#)ᕗ | /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ |
(o◞ิ‿◟ิo) | (•_ ͜_•) | (´>‸⚲͜<) |
(๑❝᷀ົཽ ⁐̵ ❝᷀ົཽ)✧ | (• ̥̆ •) |
Tiny or no Mouths
These emoticons don’t have mouths, or maybe they just have really tiny ones. Nonetheless, they still manage to convey just how happy they are! This is because the focus is mostly on the eyes, which are always pointing in one direction or another, as you can see with the characters ^, ⌒ and≧. Having no mouth or a tiny mouth comes off as super cute, too.(o^^)o | ヾ(^ ^ゞ | o(^^o) |
(o^^o)♪ | (o⌒.⌒o) | (=^・^=) |
。(⌒.⌒。) | ( ノ^.^)ノ゚ | (“⌒.⌒”) |
(≧.≦*) | (*^^*) |
Big Wide Open Mouths
The perfect facemarks for when you’re so full of joy and happiness that you’re opening your mouth and smiling as big as you can. They literally cannot open their mouths any wider. The only way they could possibly look happier is if they threw their arms up in joy and fireworks were exploding all around them. Choose from a few different wide open mouths to express your happiness through an emoticon: ᗜ, ᗨ, Ʉ, and ꇴ .
(ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ) | ( ´͈ ॢꇴ `͈)੭ु | (ꉺᗜꉺ) |
(・ัᗜ・ั)و | ✌✌(➲ ᗜ ➲)✌✌ | ✌✌(˵¯̴͒ꇴ¯̴͒˵)✌✌ |
( ˙̣̣̣ↂ⃙⃙⃚᷄ᗨↂ⃙⃙⃚ )ꋧ | (ᗒᗨᗕ) | (๑’ᗢ’๑)ฅ |
(✤❛⃘ͫ Ʉ̮ ❛⃘ͫ) | ┌༼ ˵ ° ᗜ ° ˵ ༽┐ | ˉ̶̡̭̭ ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ) ˉ̶̡̭̭ |
(□ᗜ□) | (:D)┼─┤ | ヽ〳 ՞ ᗜ ՞ 〵ง |
Miscellaneous Mouths
Here are some other happy emotes with an assortment of miscellaneous mouths. They did not fit into any of the other sections, so they get a category all to themselves! Check out all the other mouth possibilities not otherwise listed in the happy emoticon category. Some of these emotes even have snouts! May as well turn them into happy bears!(-^〇^-) | (.=^・ェ・^=) | (・◇・) |
(*^ワ^*) | (*¬*) | (´ヮ`) |
(^(I)^) | (^(エ)^) | (^⊆^) |
(๑^っ^๑) | (>y<) | (⊙ヮ⊙) |
(☆^O^☆) | °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ ° | ⊂(^(工)^)⊃ |
ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ | (ⓥꇳⓥ*) | ((ꉺꈊꉺ)ꀢ༣ |
(๑❛ꆚ❛๑) | (ᵒ̴̶̷̤́◞౪◟ ᵒ̴̶̷̤̀ ) | (^ワ^=) |
(*´ч ` *) | (。◑ヮ◑。) | (ꉺ౪ꉺ) |
( ◑ٹ◐) | (´ёٹё) | (*^ิ益^ิ*) |
(´◉◞౪◟◉) | (*^。^*) | (๑*౪*๑) |
(^凹^) | ,、’`<(❛ヮ❛✿)>,、’`’`,、 | ೖ(σ̑˽σ̑)ೖ |
(●⌃ٹ⌃) | (*꒩̐﹀꒩̐*) | (^◇^;) |
(✿ ◜◒◝ ) | (´◉◞౪◟◉`) | (థฺˇ౪ˇథ) |
(⁎ؔꇵ ˒̠̮ ؔꇵ) | ( •˓◞•̀ ) | (*ꄱͦ︺ꄱͦ*) |
( ՞ٹ՞) | ( ´•౪•`) | (*´∪`) |
(◍ȋ ₎໐͜₍ ȋ◍) | ♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪ | ♪♪v(⌒o⌒)v♪♪ |
∩`・◇・) | థ౪థ | ₍‧ꀈ˙⁾՜ |
( θོثθོ ) | ʿʿ˅⁽ˆ⁰ˆ˺ ⁾˺ |
High Energy Happiness
These kaomojis are not only full of happiness but they also have a lot of energy. To express this high energy happiness, they are waving their arms around, running about, and whatnot. Their smiles are big, their eyes are expressive, and in many cases they’re even blushing in the cheeks. They must have just heard the best news ever!
(★^O^★) | (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) | \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ |
ヽ(;▽;)ノ | ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ | o((*^▽^*))o |
O(≧▽≦)O | – =͟͟͞͞ ( ꒪౪꒪)ฅ✧ | “ヽ(´▽`)ノ” |
(((\(@v@)/))) | (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ | (ノ^_^)ノ |
(ノ>▽<。)ノ | (ノ゚▽゚)ノ | 〈( ^.^)ノ |
\(*T▽T*)/ | \(^▽^)/ | \(^ω^\) |
\(T∇T)/ | ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ | ヽ(;^o^ヽ) |
ヽ(;▽;)ノ | ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ | ヾ(@† ▽ †@)ノ |
ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ | ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ | ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ |
ヾ(@゜∇゜@)ノ | ヾ(@゜▽゜@)ノ | ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ |
ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ | ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ | ヽ(*・ω・)ノ |
ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ | ヾ(^-^)ノ | ヽ(^。^)丿 |
ヽ(^Д^)ノ | ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿 | ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ |
о(ж>▽<)y ☆ | ヘ(^_^ヘ) | ヘ(^o^ヘ) |
へ(゜∇、°)へ | \\\ ٩(`(エ)´ )و //// | (/・ω・)/ |
୧(﹒︠ᴗ﹒︡)୨ | (☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝ | ⸂⸂⸜(രᴗര๑)⸝⸃⸃ |
˛˛ƪ(⌾⃝ ౪ ⌾⃝ ๑)و ̉ ̉ | ヾ(๑╹ヮ╹๑)ノ” | ヾ(๑╹ꇴ◠๑)ノ” |
ヾ(๑ㆁᗜㆁ๑)ノ” | ⁽⁽◞(꒪ͦᴗ̵̍꒪ͦ=͟͟͞͞ ꒪ͦᴗ̵̍꒪ͦ)◟⁾⁾ | ヾ(Ő∀Ő๑)ノ |
(੭ु。╹▿╹。)੭ु⁾⁾ | ₍₍ (ง Ŏ౪Ŏ)ว ⁾⁾ | (ง •ૅ౪•᷄)ว |
₍₍⁽⁽(ી(^‿ゝ^)ʃ)₎₎⁾⁾ | (´ ↂ⃙⃙⃚ꇴↂ⃙⃙⃚ `≡´ ↂ⃙⃙⃚ꇴↂ⃙⃙⃚ `) | (ノ^_^)ノ |
◦°˚\(*❛‿❛)/˚°◦ | ⌒°(ᴖ◡ᴖ)°⌒ | ⌒(o^▽^o)ノ゚ |
。:.゚ヽ(´∀`。)ノ゚.:。+゚ | ゚+。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。+゚ | ヾ(○・ω・)ノ☆ |
୧( “̮ )୨✧ | ✌(๑˃̶͈̀◡˂̶͈́๑)✌ | ✩◝(◍⌣̎◍)◜✩ |
∕∕∕ ∕ ∕∕˛₍˴◅ˋ)੭✧∕∕∕ ∕∕ | (◜▿‾ ≡‾▿◝) | ୧[ ˵ ͡ᵔ ͜ʟ ͡ᵔ ˵ ]୨ |
ヾ( ~▽~)ツ | (ノ*´▽)ノ | ヽ(^◇^*)/ |
ヾ( ❀◕◡◕ฺฺ )ノ | ヽ(◕◡◕❀ฺ )ノ | ヾ(^▽^ヾ) |
୧〳 ^ ౪ ^ 〵୨ | =͟͟͞͞٩(๑☉ᴗ☉)੭ु⁾⁾ |
Grabby Hands
These joyful kaomojis have grabby hands made with characters like ლ. Sometimes they are happily grabbing their cheeks and chins while other times they are grabbing at the air. Maybe there is something making them happy and that they are reaching toward? Try adding in a fancy object emoticon to show what it is.ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ) | (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) | (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・ |
(ॢ˘⌣˘ ॢ⑅) | ꒰ღ˘‿˘ற꒱❤⃛ | ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) |
ლ(๏‿๏ ◝ლ) | (•ૢꆤ ˙̫̮ ꆤ•ૢ) | (๑ᵕॢ૩ᵕॢ)*౨˚ൗ |
*.⋆( ˘̴͈́ ॢ꒵ॢ ˘̴͈̀ )⋆.* | ῍̻̩✧(´͈ ૢᐜ `͈ૢ)˖῍̻̩ | ( ᵕ́ૢ‧̮ᵕ̀ૢ)‧̊·* |
⁎⁙꒰⋓(༶∙ .̌ ∙༶ૢ)⋓꒱⁕⁛ | ꒰⌗´͈ ᵕ ॣ`͈⌗꒱৩ | (•́ ॣ·̫ ॣ•̀,)՞ |
(*๓´╰╯`๓) | (ू• ౪•ू ) | ლ(╹◡╹ლ) |
ლ(o◡oლ) | (ღ′◡‵) | (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*) |
(⋆ॢʾ ˙̫̮ ʿ⋆ॢ) | *(Ü*ૢ)* | ✿(′ॢᵕ‵*ॢ) |
˓˓(๑ॢ₎ӧ ͜ ӧ₍๑ॢ)˒˒ | (❝᷀ੌ ˙̮ ❝᷀ੌॢ●)✧ | ღවꇳවღ |
(•ૢ⚈͒⌄⚈͒•ૢ) | ·◌̊ˈ*(⁰̶̶̷ ˙̮ ⁰̴̷̷๑ॢ॓).°◌̊ | ✧.*ධ̎ૢ ˒̫̮ ධ̎ૢ*·✧ |
ಞ(ల˙◡˙ల)ಞ | (ٛ⁎꒪̕ॢ ˙̫ ꒪ٛ̕ॢ⁎) | (◖̑◡ॢ◖̑⋆)⁎❀∗ |
( ღ’ᴗ’ღ ) | (⋆ૢʾ ˙̫̮ ʿ⋆ૢ) | ✧.*(⁎❝͋॔ ˙̫ॢ ॢ❝͋॓⁎)*·✧ |
(ლ◖◡◗ ლ) | ლↂ‿‿ↂლ | ୨୧ •ॢ◡-ॢ⑅•ॢ◡-ॢ*。. |
(๑ॢ❛ꆚ❛๑ॢ) | ლ(- ◡ -ლ) | ( ꒵͒◡ु꒵ ॣ) |
( •ॢᴗ•ॢ⋈) | ( •ॢ◡-ॢ) | ლ(❛◡❛✿)ლ |
ლ(・ิω・ิლ) | ლ(^ω^ლ) | ლ(・∀・ )ლ |
ლ(´∀`ლ) | (*ुම̤ᴗම̤*ू)꒭꒱꒹꒟✩⃛ |
Prayer Hands
These text faces are clasping their hands together using a ʃƪ as if holding them in prayer. This is because they’re so happy. This is a lot like the way anime characters hold their hands together when they are really happy. It tends to make the emotes look like they really treasure or appreciate something, or perhaps that they find something really adorable.
(´⌣`ʃƪ) | (´▽`ʃƪ) | (º̩̩́⌣º̩̩̀ʃƪ) |
(ʃƪ・∀・) | (^ω^ʃƪ) | (ʃƪ˘・ᴗ・˘) |
(ʃƪ˘⌣˘) | (ʃƪ¬‿¬) | (^▽^ʃƪ) |
Sometimes you are so full of happiness that you want to lick your lips or show your tongue. If this is how you are feeling then these emojis are for you. ڡ makes a perfect mouth for these situations because not only is the tongue sticking up but the mouth is curved like a smile! Go ahead and pick one that stands out to you.(∩❛ڡ❛∩) | (っ˘ڡ˘ς) | (⁎⁍̴ڡ⁍̴⁎) |
(≧ڡ≦*) | (*^ڡ^*) | (∩ڡ∩) |
(〜^ڡ^)〜 | o((*^ڡ^*))o | (・ڡ・) |
( ^ڡ^) | (*⌒ڡ⌒*) | ∩(︶ڡ︶)∩ |
Happiness Dance
These face marks are so happy that they’re doing a little happiness dance. You can create an entire series of happy dancing emoticons to show either a party or a single emoticon doing a dance. To do this, begin with an emote facing right, then add one facing forward, then one facing to the left! This is what it can look like: <(-_-^)(^-_-^)(^-_-)>
〜(^∇^〜) | 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) | 。(⌒∇⌒。) |
(〜^∇^)〜 | (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 | (。⌒∇⌒)。 |
((┌|o^▽^o|┘))♪ | (~‾⌣‾)~ | (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ |
(~˘▾˘)~ | ~(⁰▿⁰)~ | ~(‾⌣‾~) |
~(˘▾˘)~ | ~(˘▾˘~) | ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ |
ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ | ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ | ♪((└|o^▽^o|┐)) |
No Cheeks
These dongers do not have the brackets that are usually used as cheeks or the sides of the head. They are simply little happy faces. Aw. They don’t rely on much to get it across how happy they are, and since they have no cheeks or heads, these happy emotes appear really small. Even without cheeks, you can still add some waving arms to express more joy!
。^‿^。 | 。◕‿◕。 | ´・ᴗ・` |
^ ͜• ^ | ~ヾ ^∇^ | ≖‿≖ |
⊙▽⊙ | ⊙ω⊙ | ▽・ω・▽ |
✖‿✖ | ❣◕ ‿ ◕❣ | ʘ‿ʘ |
ಥ‿ಥ | ꒪̆౪̮꒪̆ | *✧₊✪͡◡ू✪͡ |
ȏ.̮ȏ | ✾꒡ .̮ ꒡✾ | ∩˙▿˙∩ |
´͈ ᵕ `͈ | ⚈້͈͡ ·̼̮ ⚈້͈͡ | ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊ |
ヽミ ´∀`ミノ | ◉‿◉ | ˙ ͜ʟ˙ |
ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ | ⍣ঠৈ ◡ુ͐ ঠৈ⍣ | ҽ̑ӏ͜ ҽ̑ |
☁മ◡മ☁ | ꒡ꆚ꒡ | أ‿أ |
ರ ౪̮ ರ | 乂⍲‿⍲乂 | ˙ᘧ ͜ ˙ |
❝᷀ົ৺❝᷀ົ | ɷ◡ɷ | ⋆•̵̑◡͐•̵̑⋆ |
⋆′◡ु͐‵⋆ | ⁙ὸ‿ό⁙ | ᴑ͝ᴗᴑ͝ |
〤◕‿◕〤 | ⋆ᘟ◡ुᘟ⋆ | ⚆ꆚ⚆ |
◙‿◙ | Ü | ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ |
<【☯】‿【☯】> | ◉⃝ ˙̫̮ ◉⃝ | ⁞ ᵕ ‿ ᵕ ⁞ |
米^-^米 | റ്ധ ੭͜ റ്ധ | ⑅❛ั◡❛ั⑅ |
Complex Emoticons
These are more complex looking happy emojis. They are made with characters that are more intricate than the average emote. For instance, while it may come as a surprise, ♝ and ⚈᷀᷁ make for some very complex and happy eyes. It helps to use happy eyebrows or a smiling mouth.
(/•ิ_•ิ)/ | (•ิ_•ิ) | (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)♥ |
(⁎⚈᷀᷁ᴗ⚈᷀᷁⁎) | ♝ཻ༨͜♝ཻ)✩⃛ | (•ؔʶ̷ ˡ̲̮ ؔʶ̷)✧ |
*⃝̣◌◦°ᴑ̴̶̷̤◡ुᴑ̴̶̷̤ˋॢ°◦*⃝̣ | (ؔ♝ཻ༨͜♝ཻ)✩⃛ | ⋆.*⃝̥◌ॱ꒰*ॢ˘̴͈́꒵˘̴͈̀*ॢ꒱ॱ◌̥*⃝̣ ⋆ |
(´^ิ益^ิ` ) | ˚ஐ₊✧(ؔ❝͋ ⍢ ؔ❝͋ೢ⁎)⁺˳ஐ༚ | (≖ิ(‿)≖ิ) |
˚ஐ₊✧(❝᷀ੌ ˙̮ ❝᷀ੌॢ●)⁺˳ஐ༚ | (◕ฺ‿◕ฺ✿ฺ) |
Happy Emotions with Words
These emotes are so happy that they had to express their joy and mirth through words. Sometimes these words are in speech bubbles and other times the words just float beside the emoticon. Either way works. The text is made using fancy letters because this looks a lot cooler than plain English letters.꒰๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑꒱୭̥*゙̥♡⃛ Ɛn꒻öႸ | ॱ॰⋆(˶ॢ‾᷄﹃‾᷅˵ॢ)ӵᵘᵐᵐᵞ♡♡♡ |
(ˀ̢⋅⃘‧̮⋅⃘ˁ̡ી˂ᵒ͜͡ᵏᵎ⁾ | ( ´͈ ॢꇴ `͈)੭ु⁾⁾·°˖ᔆᵘᵗᵉᵏⁱ✧˖° |
Ⓗⓐⓟⓟⓨ❤ヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙ | (^▽^)/ ʸᵉᔆᵎ |
✧*.◟(ˊᗨˋ)◞.*✧ᗯ੨~ɪ̊♪ْ˖⋆ | (•ᵕᴗᵕ•)⁾⁾ᵖᵉᵏᵒ |
ପ(๑•̀ुᴗ•̀ु)* ॣ৳৸ᵃᵑᵏ Ꮍ৹੫ᵎ *ॣ | ⦅❛◡❛ॣॣ⦆*.・。╟╢ᎯƤƤᎽ*.・。 |
Giant Emoticons
The last couple of emoticons that were too big to fit in the 3 column tables above. They are elaborately decorated with fancy characters that show how happy these giant emoticons really are. If you want the entirety of these emotes to display properly, be sure you use them somewhere that allows for a lot of space. Sending these giant emoticons in an e-mail or on a website would work. Smaller text spaces, such as those provided by text messaging or instant messaging apps, may disrupt these emoticons and break them into several lines.
▒▒▓█▇▅▂∩( ✧Д✧)∩▂▅▇█▓▒▒ |
☆⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒ヾ(●´U`●)ノ |
☆*・゜゚・*(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆ |
☆*✲゚*。(((´♡‿♡`+)))。*゚✲*☆ |
✿♬゚+.(。◡‿◡)♪.+゚♬✿。 |
“:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴ |
☆゚・*:。.:(゚∀゚)゚・*:..:☆ |
( ❀⃙⃕⃠⃝⃘⃚౪❀⃙⃕⃠⃝⃘⃚ ) |
o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡╮(。❛ᴗ❛。)╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ |