Waving Back and Forth
These dongers are waving to both sides very fast. This creates a bit of a blur effect. Maybe they have a huge crowd of fans and they are trying to wave to everybody at the same time. They could also have just had a big cup of coffee and are super caffeinated.
ヾ(◜▿‾ 三 ‾▿◝)ノ | (ृ°͈꒳°͈=°͈꒳°͈)੭ु⁾⁾* | ヾ(´ω`=´ω`)ノ |
‘`ローヽ(⊡ㅂ⊡。 Ξ 。⊡ㅂ⊡)ノ ‘`ロー |
Multiple People Waving
Here we have a bunch of text faces waving together. This could be at a sports game where everyone is doing the wave. That’s always so much fun and if you want to show this scene, then make sure you put together a whole row of emoticons. Multiple people waving could also be a big, fond farewell to someone.
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ |
ヽ(^▽^)人(^▽^)人(^▽^)ノ |
ヾ(⌒(_๑˘ㅂ˘๑)_ |
ヾ(◜▿‾ ( ´▿` ) ‾▿◝)ノ |
(●´Д)ノ” ヾ(∀`●) |
ヾ|* ̄ー ̄|* ̄∇ ̄|/” |
ヾ|* ̄ー ̄|* ̄ー ̄|/” ヾ|* ̄∇ ̄*| |