Just some emojis playing catch with each other. You can use a bullet point (●) for the ball and just surround it with empty spaces to show that it is in the air. Use emoticons with their arms up to show they are throwing and catching the ball. This is such a fun and classic game.
(/_^)/ ● \(^_\) |
(ノ・ェ・)ノ ● \(゚ー゚\) |
(ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ ● \(^ω^\) |
Ping Pong or Table Tennis
These dongers are all playing ping pong or table tennis. They’re holding paddles, you can see the ball in some of them and they all have a little table with a net. Hopefully no one comes by to flip the table. That would be completely chaotic.
( ^o)ρ┳┻┳°σ(o^ ) | ヽ(^o^)ρ┳┻┳°σ(^o^)/ |
(。・ω・)ρ┳┷┳゚σ(・ω・*) | ( ゚-゚)_ρ┳┻┳゚σ彡(゚o゚ ) |
(○´∇`)0~━┳━゜0(´∇`●) | \(⌒∇⌒)ρ┳┻┳°σ(^o^)/ |
(^-^)ρ┳┷┳゜σ(^o^) |
(」゚ペ)」━┳┻┳━ …ニ( ーo)_ρ 。 |
!(ノ`◎´)ノミρ┳┷┳゚σ( ̄○ ̄;;) |
!(ノ`◎´)ノ ρ┳┷┳゚σ( ̄○ ̄ ̄;;) |