Miscellaneous Saluting Emoticons
Lastly. we have the rest of the saluting emoticons that didn’t really fit into any of the other categories. Too many different mouths. So here they all are grouped into the miscellaneous section. You never know what you are going to find here!
(=`ェ´=;)ゞ | (「꒪౪꒪)」 | (・`◡´・)ゝ |
∠꒰’౪’꒱✧ | ◞(⚭⃚⃙͐·̫⚭⃚⃙͐)˩✧ | |・`ヘ´・;|ゞ |
☆( ´ ਊ ՞ )ゞ | o(* ̄○ ̄)ゝ | (*^~^*)ゝ |
s(●`ヘ´●;)ゞ | (;°ρ°)ゝ” | ☆(*・ェ・*)>。 |
\(^O^ )>* | *<( ^O^)/ | (`・ゝ・´)ゞ |
(* ̄‥ ̄*)ゝ | ♪(´∪`●)ゝ | (★・л・★)ゝ |
o(- -;*)ゞ | ([]-[]-“ゝ |