┏ and ┓Style Moustaches
These are the most common form of kaomoji moustache. Probably because you can just stick a ┏ and ┓beside the mouth on any kaomoji and suddenly it has a nice big droopy moustache. These moustaches make any emoticon look more wise and so they are perfect to use if you want your opinion to appear more insightful than usual. Go ahead and give it a try.
(  ̄┏_┓ ̄) | ヽ(◎´┏∀┓`)ノ | ( ̄┏Д┓ ̄°*) |
༼つ☉┏益┓⊙༽つ | (ノ≧┏Д┓≦)ノ | (*゚┏∇┓゚) |
(゚┏∇┓゚*) | ヽ༼ຈ┏ل͜┓ຈ༽ノ | ⋋▐ ◔ ┏ل͜┓ ◔ ▐⋌ |
w(′┏▽┓`●)w | 【●・´┏ω┓`・●】 | ( ̄┏Д┓ ̄ ) |
ミ(´┏ω┓`)/ | o(●′┏_┓`)o | ᕕ║ ˵ ᴼ ┏ل͜┓ ᴼ ˵ ║⊃ |
o(゚┏∀┓゚o) | (´┏・┓`) | ヾ(゚┏д┓゚)ノ゛ |
(o゚┏ω┓゚o) | 乁╏ ಠ ┏ل͜┓ ಠ ╏ㄏ | ┌〳 ՞ ┏ل͜┓ ՞ 〵┐ |
(o゚┏Д┓゚)o | 。゚(゚´┏∀┓`*゚)゚。 | (*´┏エ┓`*) |
~(´┏ω┓`~) | (´o・┏ω┓・o`) | (´┏o┓`) |
(~´┏ω┓`)~ | ( ̄┏∞┓ ̄) | |* ̄┏Д┓ ̄|┛ |
(^┌_̀┐^) | Σ(;゚┏д┓゚)_ | ┗| ̄┏Д┓ ̄*| |
෴ Style Moustaches
This is another pretty common character to use for moustaches in emojis. You just replace the mouth with a ෴ and you’re done. This style of moustache is a little sillier and so people are not as likely to take these emoticons so seriously. These moustache emoticons are definitely some of the stranger ones.
( ˇ෴ˇ ) | (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) | ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ |
(⚫ે෴ۜ⚫) | ᕦ⊙෴⊙ᕤ | ◝₍⁽ֹ෴ֹ⁾₎◜ |
[ ◯ ෴ ◯ ] | | ・ ෴ ・ | | ԅ(◉෴◉ԅ) |
┌། ิ ෴ ิ །┐ |