@ Style Ears
These are your standard sort of monkey kaomojis and they use @ for big cartoonish monkey ears. Put the monkey ears on the outside of the emoticon’s cheeks or head. They usually have very small eyes, too. Check out the monkey pals giving a high five at the bottom!
@・ꈊ・@ | @( o・ω・)@ | @( o・ェ・)@ |
@( o・ꎴ・)@ | @( oóωò)@ | @( oóꎴò)@ |
@(。・o・)@ | @(*^ェ^)@ | @(/o・ェ・o)@/ |
@(o・ェ・)@ | @(o・ェ・)@ノ | @(o・ェ・o)@ |
└@(・ェ・)@┐ | @(ᵕ.ᵕ)@ | @(。・o・)@ |
@(。・0・)@ | @(。・-・)@ | @(。・。・)@ |
@(o・ェ・)@ノ~” | @(。・◇・)@ | @(。・。・)@ |
@(。・_・)@ | @(・ェ・。)@ | ~~-v@(・ェ・メ)@ |
@(;・ェ・)@/ | ヾ@(o・ェ・o)@ | @(´・ェ・`)@ |
○Oo。.@(-ェ-)@ノ | ○Oo。.@(-ェ-)@ノ~~~ | @(;・ェ・)@ノ |
@(・o・)@ | @(・0・)@ | @(・ェ・)@ |
@(・-・)@ | “(@・。・@)/ | @(・●・)@ |
@( ◕ x ◕ )@ |
ゞ@(o・ェ・)@人@(・ェ・o)@ |
ヽ@(*^ェ^)@入@(・ェ・o)@ノ |
@(o・ェ・)ノ☆@(*_ _)@ |
|・ェ・)@ |ェ・)@ |・)@ | |
………..。。。ヘ@( o・ェ・)@ ̄[猿] ̄@( o・ェ・)@ノ |
C= C= C= C=@(/o・ェ・o)@/ |
⊂ Style Ears
These monkey face marks are kind of similar to the ones above. The only difference is that they use the characters like ⊂ and ⊃ to make big floppy monkey ears. This makes the entire emoticon look a little bigger. These ones also tend to have two brackets used for the sides of their heads, but it is not entirely necessary if you prefer to use one.
⊂((・⊥・))⊃ | ⊂((*>⊥σ))⊃ | ⊂((*σ⊥σ*))⊃ |
⊂((〃 ̄⊥ ̄〃))⊃ | ⊂((∂⊥<*))⊃ | ⊂((>⊥<))⊃ |
⊂((≧⊥≦))⊃ | ⊂((δ⊥δ))⊃ | ⊂((υ⊥υ))⊃ |
⊂((о∂⊥∂о))⊃ | ⊆ಠ ω ಠ⊇ | ⊆◍益◍⊇ |
⊂((〃 ̄ー ̄〃))⊃ | ⊂((o・ェ・))⊃ノ | ⊂((。・o・))⊃ |
⊂((。・。・))⊃ | ⊂((・o・))⊃ | ⊂((。・◇・))⊃ |
⊂((ᵕ.ᵕ))⊃ | ⊂((。・-・))⊃ | ⊂(( o・ω・))⊃ |
(⊂((・⊥・))⊃) | ⊂((〃’⊥’〃))⊃ | ⊆(⌒◎⌒)⊇ |