Drops of Sweat
These kaomoji emoticons are giving up on something with a drop of sweat on their foreheads. This is just like an anime character who has a drop of sweat slide down their face. These emoticons either feel disappointed, tired of trying, or embarrassed. In all cases, they are accepting their defeat and they are giving up on something. The perfect drop of sweat is made with ; and it is possible for you to add more than one.
(;-_-)/ | (一。一;;) | ( ̄□ ̄;) |
(; ̄д ̄) | (◎ー◎;) | (ー△ー;) |
/(;-_-) | ヾ(-_-;) | o(-_-;*) |
y-(~。~;) | 彡(-_-;)彡 | o(- -;*)ゞ |
(/ _ ; ) | (/ _ ; ) | (;*´Д`)ノ |
(;-_-)ノ |
└(―_―;)_―;)―;);))┐ |
Waving a Flag to Surrender
Sometimes the wisest course of action is to surrender, which is exactly what these emojis are doing. They are waving the classic white flag to signal their surrender. 尸 is used for the white flag, which can be held by an emoticon. Any facial expression may be used to show how the emote feels about their own defeat.
(oT-T)尸 | ( ̄^ ̄)尸 | ლ(ӨᆸӨ)۳ |
˄̞⁽⁽⚑(꒪ͦᴗ̵̍꒪ͦ=͟͟͞͞ ꒪ͦ ˈ̫̮ ꒪ͦ)⚑⁾⁾˄̩̞ | (o尸’▽’)o尸 | (○p>ω<)尸” |
!(*´∀`*)尸” | (oT-T)尸~~ | o-[・o・]-o尸 |