These are the kaomojis that are related to food. Sorting these out into one section for food and one for drink is pretty much the only way to go here. They are eating kabobs, soup, birthday cakes.. you name it! There is even some cool looking text that says “I love chocolate!” I figured a lot of people could relate to that one!
( ˘▽˘)っ♨ | ◥█̆̈◤࿉∥ | ♨(⋆‿⋆)♨ |
ꊞ̩⁌•͡˻•⁍ᵒᵈᵃⁿᵍᵒ ⁿᵉ | ℓ ❤ ϚϦοςӧԼձϮϵ❣⃛ | ( ̄w ̄)Ψ |
くコ:彡。≠( ̄~ ̄ ) | (●´з―━━━ε`●) | (▼д▼)o-{{[〃]}} |
( ・・)つ―{}@{}@{}- | ( ・・)つ-●●● | ―●○◎- |
( ・・)つ―●○◎- | ( ´∀`)つ―●○◎- | ♪o<( ´∀`)っ┌iii┐ |
(*・∀・)_Ω~ | (*゚Д゚)つ-Oロ|>- | ヽ|。´ェ`|ノ ―■●▲ |
( ・ω・)⊃-[二二] | -●●●-c(ω`c ) | ―⊂ZZZ⊃ |
─━━━━ | ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ⊃―{}@{}@{}- |
( ・ω・)⊃-[二> >二]-⊂(´∀` ) |
>゚)##)彡c(。・ェ・。)っ━<コ:彡━ |
These are the emojis now that are related to drinks. Most of them are holding cups or serving a cup on a platter to someone. This is perfect if you want to offer someone a drink or if you work as a waitress or waiter! I don’t see a single upset emoticon, though maybe one or two that look tired. Tea is perfect for a sleepy, nightime treat.
( -_-)旦~ | (*^◇^)_旦 | (#´ー´)旦 |
(^-^)_日 | ~(=^‥^)_旦~ | ~~旦_(・o・;) |
( ゜Д゜)⊃旦 | ( ´・ω・`)_且~ | ( ^-^)_旦”” |
(; `ェ´ ;)b三b | (。・・)_且 | (*`▽´)_旦~~ |
~旦_(^O^ ) | o口(・∀・ ) | 且_(・_・ ) |
且_(゚◇゚;)ノ゙ | ⅽ[ː̠̈ː̠̈ː̠̈] ͌ | ~(*  ̄)-3旦ε-( ̄ *) |
((。・”・)o自☆自o(・”・。)) | ー(  ̄▽)_皿~~ | ( ^-)_旦~~ (゚o゚;) |
( ゚Д゚)⊃旦 | ((((´∀`)_旦~ | (*´ェ`*)っ旦~ |
~~旦 ゝ(´-ω-` ) | ~~旦_(-ω-`。) | ~~旦⊂(・∀・ ) |
(○^ω^)_旦~~♪ | !!”(*>∀<)o(酒)” | ~~■P o(´・∀・` ) |
~~匸Pヽ(・ω・`) | (*´・ω)o旦~┏┓ | (*´-ω)o旦~┏┓ |
( ’ω’)旦~~┏━┓ | ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)つY |
!( ・∀)つ且~~⊂(´∀` ) |
(●´▽`●)_旦”☆”旦_(○´ー`○) |
゚+。:.(*・ω・)o旦 旦o(・ω・*).:。+゚ |
!(#゚Д゚)ゞ‥・・━━━━━━旦~☆))`ω゚)・;’. |
(´・ω)ノ[|_| |_|]ヽ(ω・`) |