Bowing with o Hands
There are so many options for bowing hands. These text faces are all examples of how using the English letter o can be used to show an emote bowing apologetically. Their hands are low at their side, their faces pretty much kissing the ground at your feet. Will you forgive them?
o(_ _)o | (o_ _)o ~~~ † | (o_ _)o |
o(´д`o) | o(_ _;o) | (o;_ _)o |
(o。_。)o | (o´д`)o | (*o_ _)o |
Bowing from the Side
You can see these facemarks from the side view as they bow in apology. These are perfect to use if you want to elaborate on the scene to be more expressive with your apology. You can do this by adding another emoji to show who’s feet these emotes are kissing or maybe by adding something like a rose in their hands to show they are not only bowing but offering a gift. A flower is the perfect example and would add some serious bonus points to your apology!
_| ̄|○)) ((○| ̄|_ | _| ̄|●)) ((●| ̄|_ | _| ̄|● |
_| ̄|○ | ○| ̄|_ | ●| ̄|_ |
_/\○_ | _/\●_ |