I’ve seen the following graphic shared a lot on the Internet over the years. As all of you are no doubt aware though Japanese emoticons have become a lot more detailed and crazy. These are simple, “entry level” Japanese emoticons and since this graphic was created people have created tons of awesome, more advanced kaomoji emoticons.So I decided to create my own sort of infographic to sort of highlight how advanced Japanese emoticons have become. I call it, “advanced Japanese emoticons”.I’m pretty happy with how it turned out and it features some of my all-time favourite kaomojis. Hopefully this will help people to realize how far Japanese emoticons have become and help advertise the site a bit.Feel free to download this image and share it wherever you want! You can click on the image to get the full resolution version.
Hi, some emo here dont show in my computer. They appear as “?” letter. I think its because the missing font that i dont have. So can i have the font that u used to make these emo?
You don’t need a font, you just need to make sure your browser’s settings are correct. If you go to view > character encoding and select “unicode” you should be able to see them all no problem.
Hi, some emo here dont show in my computer. They appear as “?” letter. I think its because the missing font that i dont have. So can i have the font that u used to make these emo?
You don’t need a font, you just need to make sure your browser’s settings are correct. If you go to view > character encoding and select “unicode” you should be able to see them all no problem.
They are so adorable! :3